Our family life starts from infancy and goes all the way into senior living.
For our Destination Kids, we envision a community where our children love God, their families, and their friends. We experience God’s life-giving presence together, and we know how to have fun!
As your child grows or you enter the church at different phases of life,
we have so many ways for everyone to get involved with the church
and the greater Jacksonville community.
Here’s how we’re serving and connecting with each walk of life here
at Destination Church:

Nursery includes children from infant to just under 2 years old. If you feel comfortable enough, you can leave your child with qualified workers with credible backgrounds checks. We also have a nursing room for moms who’d like to spend time with their newborns while listening to the Word.
Around the time your child starts talking, they graduate to our preschool classes which include ages 2 to 5 years old. Children learn about God through crafts, books, videos, and coloring pages. Classes also include a snack and playtime.
Is your child going to school? Then they’re probably ready for elementary! We show them God’s love in word and deed through worship, prayer, games, sports, messages, and fellowship. We also have a store where kids can use their bible bucks earned through specific activities during service, and they can spend them after.

We have a program for your middle and high schoolers every Wednesday night. Full of qualified leaders, lessons, and time just to be kids, our goal with The Well is for your teenagers to be refreshed physically (yes, we have snacks!) and spiritually. Most importantly, we want them to remember that in a time that feels particularly isolating that they’re not alone in wanting to serve and learn about Jesus.
The Well doesn’t stop there. We offer opportunities for your teenager to get involved in serving around the church on Sundays and beyond. Some of our Well youth serve on the worship team from singing to playing the drums and pads, the media team
by capturing the service on camera, and the children’s team through service to multiple ages.

The women of Destination Church love gathering throughout the year for the joy of building relationships, laughing together, and encouraging one another. Our women's events leave women feeling connected spiritually, emotionally, and physically through devotion, community, and food. Events include:
Game Night
Ladies Night Out
Mothers' Day Tea
These events are for all ages from teens to seniors. We love seeing women at every point in life come out to our events.
Game Night
Ladies Night Out
Mothers' Day Tea

We understand how important it is for men to have a space to get involved in church life, with other men, and with other men who are involved in church life. We have a myriad of small groups that support men in their spiritual walk. Plus, the men in our community meet regularly for food, games, and fellowship. Events include:
Fish Fry
We want to support men in diverse ways, and we hope to be able to expand that support to more as we continue to lead more men in their daily walks with Christ.